CV Examples

Check our professional CV examples for different jobs and walks of life. Search through categories to find the CV sample you need.

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Sample Resume made with our Resume Builder

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Try our CV maker that suggests 21 professional CV templates and sends pre-written suggestions your way to save you time and effort of browsing through hundreds of curricula vitae.

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  • Accounting & Finance
  • Creative Fields, Design & Arts
  • Education
  • Engineering, Tech & Science
  • Food Service
  • Healthcare & Wellbeing
  • IT (Information Technology)
  • Law Enforcement
  • Legal
  • Management
  • Marketing, Media & Public Relations
  • Office & Administrative
  • Real Estate
  • Sales and Customer Service
  • Students (Academic Admissions, Internships, & Entry-Level Jobs)
  • Travel & Hospitality
  • Other

Creative Fields, Design & Arts CV Examples

As an artist, your portfolio is your key to success—but you definitely need a resume, too. Check our creative resume examples and get inspired on how to make your job application a true masterpiece.

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Food Service CV Examples

It doesn't matter whether you're an experienced chef or it's your first job: our resume samples for food service roles will help you create a well-seasoned resume.

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Law Enforcement & Security Services CV Examples

It's hard to name everything you do in your day-to-day job: catch bad guys, put out fires, transport money. How to put it onto a sheet of paper? Our resume examples will show you how.

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Maintenance & Repair CV Examples

You know how to fix things that no one else can. We know how to write a job-winning resume, and our sample resumes can prove that.

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Marketing, Media & Public Relations CV Examples

Regardless if you want to work in an agency or an in-house marketing department, your resume needs to be Super Bowl material. Our resume examples will show you how to do just that.

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Real Estate CV Examples

The best examples of resumes for real estate professionals that will show you how to stand out like Burj Khalifa.

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Sales & Customer Service CV Examples

Your resume for sales & customer service should not only show off your KPIs and sales results but also highlight your people skills. Find out how from one of these good resume examples.

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Students CV Examples

Being new on the job market can be difficult, but it's much easier when you have a perfect resume. Check out these student resume examples and land your first job fast.

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Travel, Hospitality & Transportation CV Examples

Shift your career into the next gear with these tailor-made resume examples.

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Other CV Examples

Haven't found what you were looking for? Here are some miscellaneous sample resumes for other jobs and people at different stages of their careers.

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Use CV samples with easy-to-follow tips

To get your dream job, your CV needs to impress. This is why every CV example comes with a how-to guide.


See the templates used for our CV examples

All the CV examples you see here were created in our builder. Try it yourself and see how easy and stress-free it can be.

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Frequently asked questions

Is a CV the same as a resume?
Not really.

A resume is a brief document highlighting your relevant work experience and skills. You can use it to apply for any regular job that you’re targeting with it.

A CV is used for academic applications that require a much more detailed professional and academic history of achievements. You can use just one for all job applications.

If you think you should be making a resume instead, check our gallery of professional resume examples. Learn more about the differences between a CV and a resume.

How do I write a CV example?

Each CV needs to be tailored to the job you’re applying for. Go ahead and pick the right examples from the above list, or go to our comprehensive guide on how to write a CV. It’ll guide you through every step of making a CV and help you take the best decisions for you in your situation.

Should I be using a CV example?

You can significantly increase your chance of getting a job using a proven CV example written by a career professional. ResumeLab’s CV examples meet all modern recruitment standards and have all required CV sections with properly formatted details. Write your CV on a professional CV template to double the impact.

What should I avoid when using a sample CV?

A professional CV example only represents how the ideal CV should look, and its contents may differ from what you’ve actually achieved professionally. Personalize it and make your CV yours by highlighting your strengths and adding your work experience and skills. The curricula vitae we provide should be treated only to point you in the right direction.

Is it a good idea to use the same CV example for every job application?

No, you definitely shouldn’t send a generic CV for every job application. It’ll hurt your chances of getting the job. A proper CV should have personalized CV keywords that match the ad, a CV summary that shows you are the best for the job, and a list of skills that proves you’re qualified.

When working with our CV maker, you can duplicate your CV easily and personalize it in a matter of minutes, so having a targeted CV won’t be a problem.

What is the best CV format?

Today, the best CV format is a reverse-chronological format. It shows your work experience and skills in a way that most HR professionals want to see, and it works best for all kinds of jobs and industries.

Do you have any curriculum vitae examples for inexperienced candidates?
Yes, we do have CV samples for those who are just starting on the job market:

We also have job-specific samples, such as entry-level accountant or entry-level IT. Scroll up to browse our list of over 280 CV samples for different jobs and experience levels.

What should I include on my CV?

To be sure your curriculum vitae meets the highest recruitment standards, it should have the following sections. Just remember that you shouldn’t stuff your CV just for the sake of it.

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