Video Resume: What Is It, How to Make It & Script Idea
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Video Resume: What Is It, How to Make It & Script Idea

For hiring managers, there’s nothing like seeing a candidate in person. That’s why job interviews are such a big part of the hiring process. A video resume is the next best thing.

Mariusz Wawrzyniak
Mariusz Wawrzyniak
Career Expert

You’ve found it—the job that could have you going to work with a huge smile on your face. There is just one thing standing in your way: They require a video resume, and you don’t have a video resume.

And it’s not just about grabbing a camera and recording video—you need to make a professional and lasting impression. Well, you’re in the right place.

This guide will show you: 

  • What is a video resume. 
  • How to make a video resume better than 9 out of 10 of those out there.
  • How to write a video resume script that will land you more interviews.
  • If making a resume video is a good idea

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Check out some of our resume guides for specific film & video-oriented professions:

And see our comprehensive guides to learn how to create better resumes:

Now, here’s how to make a video resume that gets results:

What Is a Video Resume?

A video resume is a short video that presents a job candidate’s skills, experience, and strengths to potential employers. In a video resume, candidates typically talk directly to the camera. It's an opportunity to show your enthusiasm, creativity, and professionalism in a dynamic manner. 

A video resume is not a substitute for a standard paper resume (or, more likely, a PDF resume). A classic resume contains a lot of critical information that even a good video resume won’t. It’s also quicker and easier for hiring managers to refer back to a written resume than a video resume. Finally, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATSs) can’t handle video resumes.

Expert Hint: As stated above, a video resume is not a substitute but a supplement to a classic resume. So learn how to write a resume first before delving into recording a video resume.

Should You Submit a Video Resume?

Even though there’s a growing acceptance of video resumes among job seekers, the fact remains that they’re still very rare. You’re most likely to be asked for a resume video in occupations that involve giving a lot of presentations, sales work, and other stakeholder-facing activities. Or in the creative field, where you need to prove your video-making skills, such as for a video editor resume.

Haven’t been asked to submit a video resume? Doing so can certainly help you stand out, but not always in a good way. For example, hiring managers might feel inconvenienced by opening an unsolicited video from a candidate. Hiring managers are busy, and you don’t want to drain their time.

Even an amazing video resume can make the wrong impression, as not all employers or sectors may find them suitable. And if you lack technical skills, a poorly made video resume is guaranteed to make a bad impression. Imagine your reaction. You’re a recruiter, and you just received a low-quality video from a stranger. It wastes your time and gives you a headache. You don’t want to be that stranger.

Finally, you don’t want to submit a video resume if you’ve been asked for a video editing sample, some footage of your presentations, or any other kind of portfolio. These things are very different from a video resume.

For now, please check out these two short video resume samples. 

Video Resume Script Samples


My name is Diego Ramirez, I’ve been a creative and highly motivated video editor for over five years. I would love an opportunity to apply my proven video editing and time management skills to maintain CrystalVid’s market-leading production standards as your new video editor.

At Global CloudCo, I used basic Linux tools to automate the sorting and retrieval of tagged B-roll footage, saving 8+ work hours per month. I also worked on up to seven projects at a time while maintaining 100% on-time delivery.

My portfolio shows my ability to work across a wide range of software, including:

  • Adobe Premiere Pro,
  • Apple Final Cut,
  • Shotcut,
  • OpenShot,
  • Blender,
  • Krita,
  • DaVinci Resolve,
  • Kdenlive, and
  • Avid Media Composer.

I am confident that these skills and this experience would allow me to produce the kind of high quality video content that CrystalVid is known for, whether on social media, video-sharing platforms or online courses.

I’d love the opportunity to tell you more about what I can do for CrystalVid. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me. Thank you!


My name is Diego Ramirez, and I’d love to join the CrystalVid team. I’m looking for a new job filled with learning and advancement opportunities. I know I’m exactly who you’re looking for. Let me tell you why.

At Global CloudCo, I’m responsible for editing raw footage down to finished productions. I also catalog visual effects and music for future use and organize B-roll footage. I am able to work on multiple projects at the same time without falling behind on any of them.

I can work on Linux, Windows, and Apple environments using a wide range of video editing software. You name it, I’ve probably already got work in my portfolio that I made on it. Got some kind of obscure or outdated video editing software you want me to use? No problem—give me an hour, and I’ll have it mastered.

I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right: I’m perfect for this position—give me a call.

Let’s see—

The second video resume example above fails to impress by being too focused on what the candidate wants (not what they can do). It lists duties instead of achievements, it’s overly confident and far too pretentious.

The first example, on the other hand, checks all the right boxes. It provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of the candidate’s qualifications and enthusiasm for the position.

How to Make a Video Resume

You have two options here: do it yourself or hire someone to do the video editing and even filming for you. A professionally edited video resume will make a much better impression, but the costs involved in going this route can be substantial. Either way, the end product has to look slick and professional.

1. Prepare a Script

You can’t record a video resume without a script, so the first step is always to write one. The first step to writing a video resume script is always going to be writing a normal resume. Having a cover letter will also help. Once you have these, it’s just a matter of picking out the professional accomplishments and awards, resume skills, certifications for your resume, and so on and rephrasing them so they sound more natural.

There are many ways to write a creative script for a video resume. The form it takes will depend on the job you’re applying for, the kinds of companies you’re approaching, and your personal branding. There are, though, proven guidelines to which every video resume should adhere.

First, the length of a resume. Your video resume should be short: 60–90 seconds is ideal, it’s not recommended that you go over two minutes. Most people speak at a rate of around 100 words per minute. This means that your video resume script should be about 100–150 words long, definitely no longer than 200 words. We’ll review the details of making a video resume script in a moment.

2. Arrange a Set to Film Your Video Resume

If you choose to hire a professional, your videographer will handle the equipment, lighting, and setting for you. Your job is to arrive dressed professionally and neatly groomed. Dress just like you would for a job interview. What this means depends on your industry and the corporate culture in the company or companies to which you’re applying.

If you’re doing all of it by yourself, you’ll need to find a good location with a professional-looking background—free from distractions. The space or spaces in which you record will also need to include sound-dampening to keep the audio clear. Good lighting is also something you’ll need to find or organize.

3. Use a Professional Camera

Recording and editing your video resume requires much more preparation and work. Firstly, you’ll need to consider the equipment you use. A good camera (1080p minimum) is a must. The onboard microphone might not be up to the task, so you may need to invest in or borrow an external one.

Also, a quick tip: record several takes. You will be able to pick specific parts of the resume that sound the best and splice them up in editing. Experiment with various tones of voice, gestures, and pauses to see which ones make you look the most comfortable and professional.

4. Record Your Video Resume

Here’s the framework of what you should talk about in a video resume:

  • Introduction
  • Professional Background
  • Skills and Qualifications
  • Passion and Enthusiasm
  • Value Proposition
  • Relevant Accomplishments
  • Cultural Fit
  • Call to Action

We’ll expand on these points in the next section of this article.

5. Edit Your Video

Video editing software is necessary to combine audio and video tracks (if using an external microphone) and stitch scenes or takes together, as well as any other footage you choose to include. Many free and open-source options are available free of charge, but you’ll still have to learn how to use them.

Once you get comfortable with your chosen software, you’ll need to review the captured footage, most likely several times. Choose the best parts, cut them out, and assemble them into a cohesive video. Add additional visual and sound effects (if you want to), and then compile the finished product.

6. Ask for Feedback

Watch your video resume several times to ensure no artifacts need to be eliminated. Then, get as many friends and family members as possible to watch your video resume as well. They’ll be able to give you constructive feedback. Ask them to be completely honest. Take on board what they tell you. It’s better to get their feedback now than to be rejected because of a bad video resume.

In the next chapter, you’ll get a blueprint for writing a video resume script.

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How to Make a Video Resume Script?

We have already mentioned that you need a script, but if you’re unfamiliar with the process, here’s a detailed guide.

1. Introduce Yourself in Your Video Resume

Every successful video resume will include an introduction. Clearly state your full name, job title or occupation, professional qualification (if appropriate), and number of years of experience. Mention the position for which you’re applying. Mention the company by name if you’re making a targeted video resume.

This is a great opportunity to state your career goal. The trick? Your goal should be something that you can do for your potential employer. If you have a good resume career objective or resume summary, you can just copy, paste, and rephrase that sentence straight from your resume.

Here’s a brief summary of a video resume introduction:

  • Start with a strong and friendly greeting. Introduce yourself by stating your full name and the position you're applying for.
  • Provide a brief overview of your professional background, mentioning your current role or recent relevant experience.

2. Show Them You’re the Best Candidate for the Job

Now that you know how to start a video resume correctly, it’s time to show hiring managers what you bring to the table. Rephrase two or three achievements from your resume so that they sound and flow more naturally when said out loud. List your most relevant skills and qualifications.

If you’re writing a script for a video resume for freshmen, you can use academic achievements or experience from projects, volunteering, and internships.

Here’s the rundown of what to include in the main part of your video resume:

  • Highlight your relevant work experience, starting with your most recent position.
  • Briefly describe your key responsibilities and accomplishments in each role. Focus on specific projects, achievements, and skills that align with the job you're applying for.
  • List the essential skills, qualifications, and attributes required for the position.
  • Share your enthusiasm for the industry, company, or specific role you're applying to.
  • Explain why you're passionate about the field and how your skills and experiences align with the company's goals.
  • Highlight notable achievements, awards, or recognition you've received in your career.
  • Use quantifiable data to showcase the impact of your work, such as percentages, figures, or metrics.
  • Mention personal qualities that make you a strong candidate, such as teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, or leadership.

3. End on a Call to Action

Summarize everything that makes you the right choice for this position. Aim to do this in a single, confident sentence. The purpose of your video resume is to get invited to a job interview, so make it clear that you’re keen to tell them more. And don’t forget to thank your viewers for their time.

And again, here’s the blueprint for ending your video resume:

  • Summarize your interest in the position and thank the viewer for considering your application.
  • Encourage them to review your attached resume for more details.
  • Provide clear contact information and express your willingness to discuss your qualifications further.

Expert Hint: It may be tempting to relegate writing the script of your video resume to artificial intelligence. But let us stop you right there. An AI resume will not be on the level of a personally-written video resume script. You know your work history best.

Dos and Don'ts of a Video Resume

Here are some additional tips for a video resume and mistakes you will want to avoid.

Do This When Creating Your Video Resume

Aim to create a professional video resume with excellent sound quality and lighting. Deliver your lines in a clear, confident voice. Just like the font of a resume is important, so is your pronunciation in a video resume. Pronounce everything correctly—it’s a video, so keep doing new takes until you get it right. Speak at a natural, easy-to-follow pace. Smile. Vary the tone and pitch of your voice.

If you have the resources to make a video resume for every application, then be sure to mention the company by name (make a targeted resume). If you know (or can find out) who will be viewing your video resume, greet them by name. Using the same video resume for multiple applications? Keep these things as general as possible.

Don’t Do This in Your Video Resume

Humor in video resumes can be risky—you have no control over who will watch yours or what kind of mood they’ll be in when they do. What’s funny to you might be irritating or even offensive to the hiring manager. For every Mark Leruste, countless candidates get rejected within 20 seconds.

If you can’t produce a high-quality video resume with good audio and video, and you haven’t been asked for one, then it’s better not to include one at all. The same holds if you’re unable to deliver your lines clearly and confidently while maintaining good eye contact with the camera. All it will show is that you lack the necessary communication skills.

The worst thing you can do is submit a video resume that undermines the rest of your job application. If video editing and speaking in front of a camera aren’t your strong points, then it’s best to let your resume and cover letter do the talking for you. Unless, of course, a video resume is required.

In that case, use the advice from this guide to give it your absolute best shot!

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Key Takeaways

Here’s what you need to know about making a video resume:

  • Make sure that a video resume is for you—it’s rarely required, and most candidates won’t benefit from including one.
  • Have your resume and cover letter done before you start work on your video resume script.
  • The best video resume is a short video resume—keep yours under 90 seconds.
  • Be concrete and professional, and avoid generalities.
  • Think carefully before including comedy in your video resume—it’s all too easy to miss the mark and come off as off-putting or inappropriate.

I hope this guide has been of help to you! What did you find most challenging when writing your video resume script? Would you get your video resume professionally edited, or do it yourself? Let’s get the discussion going in the comments below!

Mariusz Wawrzyniak

Mariusz is a career expert with a background in quality control & economics. With work experience in FinTech and a passion for self-development, Mariusz brings a unique perspective to his role. He’s dedicated to providing the most effective advice on resume and cover letter writing techniques to help his readers secure the jobs of their dreams.

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