Career Change CV Example (Tips & Samples)
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Career Change CV Example (Tips & Samples)

A career change CV sample that gets interviews. Write your CV for career change fast, with expert tips & good + bad examples.

Tom Gerencer
Tom Gerencer
Career Expert

This career change CV sample cuts the clutter.

That’s good because—

A CV for career change has to show you’ll do the job.

Even though you haven’t done it yet.

Don’t fret.

Pick achievements from old jobs that fit the new one.

That’s the only way to prove this isn’t just a passing whim.

This guide will show you:

  • A career change CV template better than most.
  • How to write a CV for a career change that gets interviews.
  • Several standout CV examples for career change.
  • Why accomplishments will make or break a CV for career changers.

What does a perfect CV for a career changer look like? See below—

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Career Change CV Sample

This career change CV example moves the candidate from marketing to software engineering.

It shows software engineering accomplishments. It downplays past work in other fields.

The job wants skills in Java, C++, and debugging.

Kelly Hitoshi
Software Engineer

Personal Info

Phone: 949-300-9278


Energetic software engineer, seeking to use proven skills in Java and C++ to provide expert development to Blue Waffle Worldwide. Created 4 working web apps and 4 mobile apps. Debugged 15 web apps and contributed to 8 GitHub projects. Wrote code for 25+ client projects.

Skills Summary


  • Built native Java data visualisation web app. Users can upload .csv files and produce graphs and charts. Cited in TechCrunch. Gets 4,000 monthly views.
  • Created a Java-driven website that serves up Java tutorials.
  • Developed working hotel reservation system app that matches user requirements with available rooms. Includes a recorded preference feature.
  • Wrote a working Sudoku game using Java and MySQL.


  • Built a physical remote control for the Sonos system with C++.
  • Created 4 mobile C++ apps, including a Tic Tac Toe player and a puzzle game.
  • Solved 42 C++ problems at
  • Updated cookies functionality in an eCommerce website.
  • Contributed to 5 C++ GitHub projects, including Glynos and Udacity.


  • Debugged 9 Java-based web apps.
  • Slashed errors 25% for an eCommerce site via in-depth debugging.
  • Conducted extensive debugging of 6 commercial C++ web apps.


Senior Marketing Specialist
O'Neil & Watanabe Inc.

  • Led team of five marketing specialists in a busy marketing firm.
  • Wrote Java and C++ code for 25 client projects.

Marketing Specialist
Orinco Marketing

  • Produced 60+ marketing projects for a fast-paced business.
  • Debugged company web app. Cut customer complaints by 30%.


B.S. in Business Administration, California State University

  • GPA 3.8
  • Excelled in software engineering coursework.
  • Worked as computer science teacher's assistant 3 semesters.


  • DEVintersection 2018. Spoke on a panel about Java programming.
  • Microsoft Ignite 2016.

Additional Activities

  • Active member, IAENG Society of Software Engineers.
  • Achieved 1st place in 5 LeetCode coding challenges.
  • Attended lumohacks hackathon, 2018.
  • Volunteer web development specialist, local homeless shelter.
  • Lead weekly yoga classes for fun and self-care.

Languages: Java, C++ C#, PHP, Ruby, SQL, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Tech Skills: Coding, Debugging

Soft Skills: Leadership, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Creativity

Now here’s how to write a career change CV:

1. Start with the Best Career Change CV Format

This is urgent:

Your CV format makes all the difference.

  • Choose the combination CV format. It transfers appropriate experience from old careers.
  • Use the best CV fonts in 10–14pt with 1-inch margins. Add big headings and white space for easy-reading.
  • Write a one-page career change CV. Got more to say? Put it in a career change cover letter. (You’ll need one!)
  • Start with a CV header with name, phone, and email. No photo or street address.
  • Add a CV summary for career change (or a CV profile), then a skills summary, work experience, and education.
  • Include CV extras like conferences, publications, and additional activities. They’ll strengthen your case for changing careers.

What about the career change functional CV? It’s seldom a good idea to write a functional CV for career change. It lacks the work history employers crave.

Expert Hint: Save your CV as a PDF unless the job posting disallows them. Career change CV PDFs don’t flake out in transit. They’re also machine-readable.

2. Write a CV Summary for Career Change that Convinces


Most CVs for career changes fail miserably.

They talk about the wonderful things they’ve done that the employer doesn’t care about.

Don’t do that.

Write a CV objective for switching careers that proves you belong here.


1. One adjective (energetic, hard-working, efficient)

2. Job title (project manager, administrative assistant)

3. Years of experience (2+, 7+)

4. How you’ll help (provide expert software development)

5. Flashiest 2–3 achievements (created 4 web apps, wrote code for 25 projects)

These career change CV examples show how:

CV Summary Statement—Career Change Example

Good Example
Energetic software engineer, seeking to use proven skills in Java and C++ to provide expert development to Blue Waffle Worldwide. Created 4 working web apps and 4 mobile apps. Debugged 15 web apps and contributed to 8 GitHub projects. Wrote code for 25+ client projects.
Bad Example
Hard-working marketing manager switching to a career as a software engineer. No experience yet but I’m a fast learner with deep interest in programming and software development. Highly skilled in Java and C++ programming. Excelled in career as marketing manager.

Those are worlds apart.

Why does the first of those sample CV for career change objectives work? It shows you’re not meddling in things you don’t understand.

But where can you get job-matching achievements like that?

Get experience for CVs for career changes from:

  • Jobs in other fields with tasks that fit this one
  • Projects
  • Volunteer work
  • Consulting
  • Freelancing
  • Competitions
  • Moonlighting
  • Internships

Note: A CV objective for switching careers used to talk about your goals. Today you’ll get more interviews by showing how you’ll meet the organisation’s goals.

Expert Hint: Write your career change CV summary last. Look through the rest of your CV and cherry-pick the best bits from it for your qualifications summary.

The ResumeLab builder is more than looks. Get specific content to boost your chances of getting the job. Add job descriptions, bullet points, and skills. Easy. Improve your CV in our CV builder now.

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Nail it all with a splash of colour, choose a clean font, highlight your skills in just a few clicks. You’re the perfect candidate and we’ll prove it. Use the ResumeLab builder now.

3. Write a Solid Career Change CV Skills Summary

Why do CVs for career changes need a skills summary?

Here’s the problem:

Let’s say you worked in marketing. You’re changing to a programming career.

Your CV for career change can’t be all about your old job.


You can show things you did that transfer to your new career.

A switching careers skills summary does just that.

These career change CV examples give a map:

Career Change CV Samples—Skills Summary

The job ad wants skills in (1) Java (2) C++ (3) debugging.

Let’s say you’ve never had the job title, but you’ve done side-tasks and projects.

Skills Summary


  • Built native Java data visualisation web app. Users can upload .csv files and produce graphs and charts. Cited in TechCrunch. Gets 4,000 monthly views.
  • Created a Java-driven website that serves up Java tutorials.
  • Developed Java hotel reservation system app that matches user requirements with available rooms. Includes a recorded preference feature.
  • Wrote a working Sudoku game using Java and MySQL.


  • Built a physical remote control for the Sonos system with C++.
  • Created 4 mobile C++ apps, including a Tic Tac Toe player and a puzzle game.
  • Solved 42 C++ problems at
  • Updated cookies functionality in a C++ eCommerce website.
  • Contributed to 5 C++ GitHub projects, including Glynos and Udacity.


  • Debugged 9 Java-based web apps.
  • Slashed errors 25% for an eCommerce site via in-depth debugging.
  • Conducted extensive debugging of 6 commercial C++ web apps.


Why do those career change CV examples work so well?

They show competence, though you’ve never held the job.

But even the hotel reservation system was just a mockup that you did for fun.

The debugging tasks were side-jobs from your old profession.

Career Change CV Skills

What skills work in a CV for a career change?

Read the job posting to find out.

Plus—use these transferable CV skills:

  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Active Learning
  • Coordination
  • Decision Making
  • Perceptiveness
  • Customer Service
  • Persuasion
  • Dependability
  • Psychology
  • Judgement
  • Compassion
  • Self Motivated
  • Detail Oriented
  • Listening
  • Adaptability

Expert Hint: Making a career change at 50 or 40? You’re not alone. According to a University of Phoenix study, most of us want to switch, but we fear the risks.

4. Add a Powerful Job Description to Your CV for Career Change

Here’s the secret:

You need to show experience in your career change CV.


Don’t talk about the great work you did that doesn’t fit this job.

Find achievements in your old work history that match your new career.

These CV for career change examples show how:

Career Change CV Job Description—Example

Job ad wants Java, C++ and debugging skills.

Good Example


Senior Marketing Specialist
O'Neil & Watanabe Inc.

  • Led team of five marketing specialists in a busy marketing firm.
  • Wrote Java and C++ code for 25 client projects.

Marketing Specialist
Orinco Marketing

  • Produced 60+ marketing projects for a fast-paced business.
  • Debugged company web app. Cut customer complaints by 30%.
Bad Example

Senior Marketing Specialist
O'Neil & Watanabe Inc.

  • Led team of five marketing specialists in a busy marketing firm.
  • Handled hundreds of client marketing projects.
  • Developed video, print, and social media campaigns.

Marketing Specialist
Orinco Marketing

  • Produced 60+ marketing projects for a fast-paced business.
  • Wrote copy for content marketing campaigns.
  • Increased open rate of email campaigns by 20%.

Why does career change CV sample #1 nail it?

Because it’s short.

It shows you weren’t playing hooky for seven years.

It lists accomplishments that fit your new career.

Then it leaves room for more impressive feats that fit the job.


The % and other numbers show your skills are powerful.

Expert Hint: “I need a new career!” said everybody. But look before you leap. Check Glassdoor and the website to find fields with high pay and short training—and consider choosing from these.

4. Turn Boring Education to a Reason to Hire You

Your CV for career change education has to grab them.

Here’s how:

Don’t just talk about your degree and GPA.

Show accomplishments that fit your new career.

See this career change CV example:

Education on CVs for Career Changes—Example

Good Example


B.S. in Business Administration, California State University

  • GPA 3.8
  • Excelled in software engineering coursework.
  • Worked as computer science teacher's assistant 3 semesters.

Nicely done.

That career change CV sample links you to your new career.

It shows you aren’t completely green.

Expert Hint: Is your CV experience thin? You can make your education section longer with positions and projects. Add bullet points to each.

5. Energise Your Career Change CV With Bonus Sections

To get interviews when transitioning to a new profession—

Add extra sections to your CV for career change.

These samples of CV for career changers show right and wrong:

Career Change CV Samples—Extra Sections

Good Example


  • DEVintersection 2018. Spoke on a panel about Java programming.
  • Microsoft Ignite 2016.

Additional Activities

  • Active member, IAENG Society of Software Engineers.
  • Achieved 1st place in 5 LeetCode coding challenges.
  • Attended lumohacks hackathon, 2018.
  • Volunteer web development specialist, local homeless shelter.
  • Lead weekly yoga classes for fun and self-care.
Bad Example

Additional Activities

  • Attended several marketing conferences.
  • Volunteer marketing manager, local animal shelter.
  • Yoga.

Those first of those career change CV examples does the trick.

What about certifications on a CV for career changers?

If the job requires them, put them under your CV objective for switching careers.

If they’re just add-ons, put changing careers certifications lower down.

See the functional CV samples for career change in this guide for placement.

Expert Hint: Send a cover letter for career change CVs. Make your best case for why you’re switching. Reference job-fitting achievements to show competence.

Double your impact with a matching CV and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter builder and make your application documents pop out.

create your cover letter now


Want to try a different look? There’s 18 more. A single click will give your document a total makeover. Pick a cover letter template here.

Key Points

For a career change CV that breaks down barriers and gets you that new job:

  • Use the career change CV template at the top. It helps prove you belong in this new job.
  • All CVs for career changes need a skills summary. Use it to show you’re not a total newbie.
  • List accomplishments in your CV for career change experience and education. That’s how to convince them that you’ll fit your new career.
  • Send a career change cover letter. Use it to show you were destined to work in this job and company. Relocating for work? Learn how to write a cover letter when relocating

Got questions on how to write a great CV for career change? Not sure how to go about finding a new career? Need a cover letter for career change? Leave a comment. We’ll be happy to reply..

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At ResumeLab, excellence lies at the heart of our values, underpinning our promise to provide outstanding career resources. Our team of career experts meticulously assesses each article in line with our editorial guidelines, guaranteeing our content's high quality and dependability. We consistently engage in original research, illuminating the nuances of the job market and earning acclaim from various influential news outlets. Our commitment to delivering professional career advice draws millions of readers to our blog annually.

Tom Gerencer
Written byTom Gerencer

Tom Gerencer is a career expert covering a wide range of job-related topics. He’s shared his insight for jobseekers at all career levels in over 200 articles, reaching over a million readers every month. His written pieces are based on meticulous research and feature insider tips from key industry experts.

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