Professional Achievements and Awards to Put on a CV in 2024
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Professional Achievements and Awards to Put on a CV in 2024

How to show achievements on CVs that make the boss take notice. What achievements, honours and awards to put on CVs, with examples and expert tips.

Tom Gerencer
Tom Gerencer
Career Expert

Seeing achievements on a CV is what recruiters crave—


Most CVs say responsible for.


Thomas Andrews was responsible for designing the Titanic.

Accomplishments and achievements on a CV are light-years better.

They show you handled responsibilities well.

This guide will show you:

  • Accomplishments on CVs and how to show them.
  • 50 great examples of achievements for CVs.
  • How to list awards on CVs.
  • The best honours and awards CV examples.

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List of Sample Professional Awards, Achievements, and Accomplishments to Put on a CV 

  • Received X professional award. (PMI Fellows Award, CSS Design Award, etc.)
  • Shortlisted for X professional award.
  • Employee of the month X times because of Y skill/achievement.
  • Commended by management for X.
  • Part of a team that received X award. 
  • Completed/created X projects/products per month/year.
  • Slashed costs by X%.
  • Improved quality measures by X%.
  • Cut delivery times by X%.
  • Raised revenue by X%.
  • Received X% positive customer survey results.
  • Trained X employees in Y.
  • Improved efficiency of X system by Y%.
  • Raised customer satisfaction scores by X%.
  • Singled out by management to handle X important project.
  • Assigned a peer mentoring role by manager because of X skill.
  • Promoted only X months after hiring.
  • Maintained costs X% under budget for Y years.
  • Didn’t miss a day of work for X years.
  • Led or participated in a team that accomplished X.
  • Consistently met deadlines.
  • Beat company/department average of X metric by Y.
  • Completed X task Y% faster than company average.
  • Cut X waste by Y%.
  • Saved X hours per year by initiating Y project.
  • Increased staff retention by X%.

Examples of Personal Achievements in CVs

  • Attended X conference.
  • Spoke on X panel.
  • Wrote an article on X that was linked to by Y.
  • Gave a TED talk on X.
  • Published a YouTube video that got X views.
  • Gave a webcast that was downloaded X times.
  • Interviewed by X podcast.
  • Amassed a LinkedIn following of X.
  • Created a Facebook contest that got X shares and Y likes.
  • Built a community of X professionals.
  • Received X certification.
  • Completed X class/course with score of Y.
  • Founded X club, company, or group with X members.
  • Grew membership in X club by X%.
  • Received a scholarship.

Sports Achievements in CV Examples

  • Captain of X sports team.
  • Broke speed record for X sporting event.
  • Led a team of 15 swimmers to state championships.
  • Came in X place in the Y race.
  • Completed the X marathon.

Volunteer Accomplishments for CVs

  • Volunteer X times per month at Y charity.
  • Organised a team of X volunteers.
  • Increased donations for X by Y%.
  • Organised a local playground build of X parents.
  • Raised £X for Y charity.

Accomplishment vs Achievement

Many experts say accomplishments for CVs and achievements for CVs are two different things. According to Merriam-Webster, CV accomplishments and achievements in CVs are synonyms.

Expert Hint: Mix CV accomplishments with responsibilities. For every five work section bullet points, stuff three with accomplishments and CV awards.

2. How to List Achievements for CVs

How do you show accomplishments on CVs?

What about awards on CVs?

Here’s the problem:

Most accomplishments for CVs will make the hiring manager yawn.

A few will make her leave nine voicemails in your inbox.

What achievements for CVs work best?

Do this:

  1. Read the job ad closely.
  2. Imagine the perfect candidate.
  3. List only achievements in CVs that prove you are that candidate.

These CV accomplishments examples show how:

Job ad wants: (1) customer service (2) customer retention (3) efficiency.

CV work history says:

Good Example
  • Maintained 99% positive (1) customer service scores.
  • (2) Customer retention for my clients was 29% above company average.
  • (3) Generated 10 more outgoing sales calls per day than others on the team.
Bad Example
  • Responsible for customer service and sales for consumer products firm.
  • Handled customer complaints resolution duties.
  • Tasked with making 8 sales calls per day.

The first of those CV achievements examples will make employers worry someone else will get you.

The second tells your job, but—

Not how good you did it.

Expert Hint: Where should you put accomplishments on CVs? In the bullet points for all your sections. List accomplishments for CVs or awards on CVs that prove key skills.

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3. Why Achievements in CVs Need Numbers

Numbers send achievements for CVs to the stratosphere.

Pretend you own a restaurant.

Should you tell people it gets “great Yelp reviews?”


It has “over a thousand 5-star Yelp reviews?”

Numbers matter in accomplishments for CVs.

They even help awards on CVs.

These CV achievements examples demonstrate:

Good Example
  • Developed 250+ graphic design projects per year.
  • Cut client costs by 22% in 15 months.
  • Increased client transactions 30% in one year.

Worked on team that received 2018 Webby Award, granted by a 2,000-member judging body.

Bad Example
  • Responsible for development of graphic design projects.
  • Cut client costs.
  • Increased client transactions.
  • Worked on a team that won a Webby.


The first of those honours and awards CV examples could get you hired on the Avengers.

KPIs for Achievements in CVs

Need some help with numbers for accomplishments for CVs?

Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

They measure achievements for CVs to get you hired.

Make sure your KPIs fit what the job posting wants.

Sample Key Performance Indicators

Customer Retention 

Accounts Payable



Quality Measures

Website Traffic 


Website Authority

Delivery Time

Social Media Engagement

Customer Satisfaction



Conversion Rate

Employees Trained

Customer Turnover Rate

Sales Figures

Market Share

New Customers

Quota Attainment



Expert Hint: Not sure what KPIs best fit your job? Google your job title + “KPIs.” You’ll find metrics that add muscle to accomplishments for CVs and awards on CVs.

4. How to List Awards on CVs

“Holy cow, we’ve got to hire this one.”

Why show awards on CVs?

They’re some of the best accomplishments for CVs. They prove your skills.


  • Don’t bury them.
  • Do list only awards this employer cares about.
  • Do add details that tie awards to skills.

Check out these honours and awards CV examples:

Job ad wants: web design skills.

CV says:

Good Example


  • Received a 2017 Webby Award for Excellence in Navigation and Structure.
Bad Example

Additional Activities

  • Facilitate monthly meetings for the Archeosxterix web developers' club.
  • Regular attendee, Eastern Oregon Web Developers Meetups.
  • Received a 2017 Webby Award.
  • My article, “Best Practises for Web Development: was linked to by TechSavvy.

Big difference.

The first of those awards and acknowledgements CV examples will make the boss reach for the phone.

The second buries the award in other achievements for CVs.

What CV awards should you list?

Three kinds:

  1. Show honours and awards on CVs from professional associations. For instance, the PMI Fellows Award, CSS Design Award, or AMA Award.
  2. Include honours and awards in CVs received by companies you’ve worked for. For example, the Baldrige Award or Shingo Prize.
  3. In-company awards to put on a CV include Employee of the Month or performance-based bonuses.

Need awards to put on CVs?

Google your job title + “awards.” You’ll find CV awards that fit. You may even spot some easy-to-get honours and awards CV examples. For instance, small monthly contests.

Expert Hint: Got a certification relevant to the job offer but do not know where to list it? Read How to List Certifications on a CV.

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Key Points:

Here’s a recap of tips for writing an accomplishment section for your CV::

  • Match achievements in CVs to the job ad. If it shows you’ve got a CV skill the company wants, list it.
  • Add numbers to CV achievements. Say how much, how often, and how many. Add hours, dollars, percents, and numbers of people.
  • Awards on CVs build confidence. Add professional awards like the AIGA Medal or in-company awards like Employee of the Month.
  • Use the CVs accomplishments examples above for reference. Awards, improvements to company metrics, and personal achievements all make great accomplishments on CVs.

Still wondering how to list achievements in CVs? Not sure how to pick the best accomplishments for CVs? Leave a comment. We’re happy to reply!

About ResumeLab’s Editorial Approach

At ResumeLab, excellence lies at the heart of our values, underpinning our promise to provide outstanding career resources. Our team of career experts meticulously assesses each article in line with our editorial guidelines, guaranteeing our content's high quality and dependability. We consistently engage in original research, illuminating the nuances of the job market and earning acclaim from various influential news outlets. Our commitment to delivering professional career advice draws millions of readers to our blog annually.

Tom Gerencer
Written byTom Gerencer

Tom Gerencer is a career expert covering a wide range of job-related topics. He’s shared his insight for jobseekers at all career levels in over 200 articles, reaching over a million readers every month. His written pieces are based on meticulous research and feature insider tips from key industry experts.

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