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About us

At ResumeLab, we’re cracking the code for writing perfect resumes and cover letters. Plus, we’re giving you state-of-the-art software to create beautiful, professional job application documents.

ResumeLab— the ultimate job-seeker’s resource.

ResumeLab is your ultimate career toolbox

Landing a job made quick and easy.
Each day we share free up-to-date tips on job hunting, and resume & cover letter writing. All of our career experts are members of The Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches. Our commentary and guidelines have been featured by Forbes, the Financial Times, CareerBuilder, and Glassdoor, among others. ResumeLab is the first choice of every job applicant, especially in the tech industry.

ResumeLab is your ultimate career toolbox

World-class career advice—ResumeLab helps people around the world find their dream job.
ResumeLab is the fastest-growing career advice website. We’ve published career guides for the most popular professions based on extensive research, scientific data, and expert consultation. ResumeLab is the ultimate resource of resume and cover letter examples, ATS-friendly templates, career tips, and more.

With ResumeLab, you’ll create a job-winning resume in minutes.

Step 1
Learn the basics of resume writing.

Read our free resume resources and find out what resume format to choose and how to highlight your best achievements.

Step 2
See a tailor-made resume example.

Our experts have created dedicated resume examples for the most popular professions and industries.

Step 3
Find out how to write a great cover letter.

With a good resume, you’re still only halfway there. Almost 50% of recruiters expect cover letters. With our guides, you’ll make a job-winning cover letter in no time.

Step 4
Create matching documents in our builder.

Our easy-to-use resume builder will let you create a matching resume & cover letter combo.

Step 5
Get ready for job interviews!

We know everything about great resumes and cover letters. And we’re sharing all we know with you—so you can land the job you deserve.

We work hard every day to help you work where you’d love to. Meet our team of career experts

The hiring industry is changing rapidly. Our mission is to follow all major trends and share up-to-date tips and insights with you so that you’ll always come out on top in the recruitment game. All of our experts are members of The Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches, America’s most renowned career association
ResumeLab is your ultimate career toolbox
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resume examples
Fact-checked advice for
Fast replies from authors
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Resume and cover letter templates

Got questions? Concerns? Want to learn more? We’re here to help.